The tale of a London Comic Book artist in his quest to complete an original, creator owned, graphic novel.

Monday, 27 August 2012

"How to Create Comics" Workshop

A colleague at work (thanks Bec!) had kindly sent me the details for a presentation and workshop in Brick Lane that centered on making comics.

It was hosted by IXDA and took place at the LBI centre in Brick Lane.
Presentations were give by Matthew Sheret (who has edited the Paper Scient Anthology) and Sam Smith who is a “Senior Interaction Designer” at RMA by day and comic enthusiast by night.

Matt talked about his experience in collaborating with artists on stories and what processes are helpful in working togeher successfully. He also touched on a few points from Scott Mccloud's books which I have recently read and have found very useful.

Sam talked about thre relationship between scripts and sequential art and examined some examples from Neil Gaiman. After this presentation we organised ourselves into teams and were tasked with creating script and art for a simple advert slash story. It was for "Origami Clothes", an app where users can select different clothing and print out patterns that can be folded into clothing.

Our team split into smaller groups to work on different parts of the story.
Below are some snaps of our efforts. A fun evening with a practical workshop, good fun!

 Below is a post from Matt's bloggs with some of the notes he used in his presentation.

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