Sebastian Chow

The tale of a London Comic Book artist in his quest to complete an original, creator owned, graphic novel.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Office Location

I have just changed jobs and inherently moved to a new office. Check out the front door of the office below to see why I was ecstatic when I found out its location.

Note: The front door of the office is the black door next to Orbital.

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Wednesday, 14 November 2012

30 Characters Challenge 2013

This November sees the start of the yearly 30 characters challenge: to create 30 characters in 30 days. Creators are encouraged to produce one new character for each day in November. Writers and artists alike are invited to participate.

Last year I registered but didn't take part. This year I improved by attempting to take part. I have created one new character: The Cleanin' Munster. This guy comes out at night to clean your mess, a bit like a cross between the boogeyman and Mr. Muscle.

I doubt I'll find time to create anymore but check out the link below to see some of the creations that people have come up with.
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Wednesday, 7 November 2012


I recently discovered that the original self published story Drones, is being stocked in Orbital Comics in Great Newport St, central London.I had the chance to meet the writer, Chris Lewis, at Kapow Comic Con earlier this year (check the picks in the Kapow post).

The copy I picked up at Kapow was a black and white first print. Soon after Chris and his team worked on producing a colour version which is being stocked at Orbital Comics. Issues 2 is already out and issue 3 is almost finished.

Drones is also being released digitally through Graphicly, DrivThru and ibooks.
Chris will be one to watch as Drones has already received great reviews. Keep updated with Drones news and other works from Chris Lewis by visiting the Epigamics site (Chris' own imprint). Check out the link below.

Stinger and Angel Eyes are Predator drone operators: high tech soldiers who hunt Taliban insurgents by operating remote-control aircraft from the safety of a base outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. It’s a surreal job next to the strangest city on Earth. But after a failed mission, the war hits home, in a bizarre journey that will take them from a terrorism-themed hotel to a drone-filled sky over the Strip.
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Thursday, 25 October 2012

London Super Comic Con 2013

London Super Comic Con has been announced and it is due to take place on 23rd & 24th Feb 2013. There is a fantastic list of artists and writers including David Finch, Gabriele Dell’Otto, J Scott Campbell, Bill Sienkewicz, Simone Bianchi, George Pérez.

Last was the first LSCC and was made memorable by a visit from Stan Lee. Some complained at the lack of organisation and the problems with early queuing but hopefully 2013's event will improve upon some of the issues encountered.

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Monday, 27 August 2012

Super 8

I went to a car boot sale (first in a very long time) where I saw lots of vintage and retro gear.
My only purchase of the day was an old Super 8 camera.

As soon as I saw it it reminded me of the JJ Abrams film of the same name.
The film itself was good but I really enjoyed the DVD extras that looked at the inspiration behind the film.
It was really interesting and also mentioned JJ's first run in with Steven Spielberg.

I'm not in to film making but for £2 this was a bargin. I stuck in some batteries and it seems to work although some of the buttons are either stuck or broken, but it looks great in my drawing corner.

"How to Create Comics" Workshop

A colleague at work (thanks Bec!) had kindly sent me the details for a presentation and workshop in Brick Lane that centered on making comics.

It was hosted by IXDA and took place at the LBI centre in Brick Lane.
Presentations were give by Matthew Sheret (who has edited the Paper Scient Anthology) and Sam Smith who is a “Senior Interaction Designer” at RMA by day and comic enthusiast by night.

Matt talked about his experience in collaborating with artists on stories and what processes are helpful in working togeher successfully. He also touched on a few points from Scott Mccloud's books which I have recently read and have found very useful.

Sam talked about thre relationship between scripts and sequential art and examined some examples from Neil Gaiman. After this presentation we organised ourselves into teams and were tasked with creating script and art for a simple advert slash story. It was for "Origami Clothes", an app where users can select different clothing and print out patterns that can be folded into clothing.

Our team split into smaller groups to work on different parts of the story.
Below are some snaps of our efforts. A fun evening with a practical workshop, good fun!

 Below is a post from Matt's bloggs with some of the notes he used in his presentation.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Monday, 30 July 2012

Watercolour in Sardinia

Tried my hand and a watercolour picture. This was along the beach, but didn't actually draw the beach.

Somehow I was drawn to the bin and palm tree...

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Improved Lettering

I recently attempted to letter a page I had pencilled, inked and shaded.
But something didn't look quite right.

If you ever need tips on lettering, head over to headed up by the great Nate Piekos. He also has a blog with some great tips,

After reading some of his tips I revisited the page and now I'm alot happier with it.


Here are some pics from the recent Kapow convention and the Business Design Centre.
It was great fun and the best convention I've been to yet.

I met some great creators and as well as some comic book ledgends (Joe Quesada).
I also met independant comic book writer Chris Lewis. He was super kool in sharing some of his process in making his book "Drones". Head over to to check it out!


Monday, 7 May 2012

Clandestine Cover!

Here is the cover to the preview book of my creator owned story, Clandestine.

Not exactly what I had in my head but close enough. I need to work on my lettering skills a little.


Sunday, 29 April 2012

I'm Late!

Quick sketch of a random guy in a suit.

I'm really am late in getting a preview book and portfolio together for KAPOW!.

Time to get a move on!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Mock-Up Cover Page

Just completed a mock up cover for my own story

Done with pitt pens and greyscale pro markers.

No prizes for guessing the setting of the story or who I would love to publish it under.

**Image Edited - Someone on DW noticed Military was spelled wrong**


Saturday, 21 April 2012

Page 2 complete!

Ok, starting to make some progress now. I'm not even near where I'd like to be, in terms of quality.
But Adam Hughes always says great art comes from an "extreme amount of self-loathing". :)

Enjoy page 2!

Friday, 20 April 2012

Kapow!... Oww.... that hurt!

It has just dawned upon me.

Kapow! comic convention is exactly one month away!
I regretfully missed the first Kapow! convention due to ticket sell outs so I made sure to purchase tickets nice and early this year.

However with only one month left to go, there isn't much time to get a portfolio together for publishers/fellow artists/editors to view!

So this is the goal - one month to produce 7 pages of art and possibly a coloured and lettered preview book.

Currently, I am one and a bit pages done... time to definitely get a move on.

Click the pic below to go to the Kapow! site if you want more information.

**Post Edited - Events Schedule included below the link**

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Jonathan Hickman

A college at work has kindly lent me the Pax Romana trade by Jonathan Hickman (thanks Adam).

Mr Hickman is a great example of a one man band in comic creation and he has done exceptionally well in the comics biz.

I look forward to reading this!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Opening Post!

So here goes... The first post of my new blog.

This blog will will be focused on my artwork, in particular the development of creator owned graphic novels and stories.

I'm new to blogger and will be trying to improve the layout and look of the blog.

Currently I'm working on a Creator Owned storie currently named "Clandestine".
I will also try to post tips I've found helpful in creating comics.

For now I'll post a picture. Nothing particularly new.
To see more art see my deviant page: